Constantine Karos

Water Resources Engineer and Expert Disassembler

About Me

I'm a water resources engineer specializing in hydraulic and hydrologic modeling with a passion for data visualization, web development, ergonomic keyboards, and brewing perfect espresso. I'm known in my family for breaking every toy I was ever given, immediately crying about it, then furiously modifying it to make it "better than new". Consequently, I became a capable disassembler at a young age, breaking down and rebuilding nearly every holiday gift. These days, I spend my time picking apart modeling codes, developing programming tools, and designing intuitive and aesthetically pleasing visualizations for clients.



Hydroinformatics EngineerAug 2022 - Present

Develop real-time decision support systems for wastewater utilities. Perform multi-objective optimization of collection system designs to improve system performance and maximize system cost:benefit ratios. Architect software tools to support engineering analysis of the vast amount of data generated by public utilities, academic institutions, government agencies.

CDM Smith

Water Resources EngineerJan 2017 - Aug 2022

Support water systems projects with modeling and data analysis expertise. Perform capacity studies, inflow and infiltration analyses, and design modeling for sewer and stormwater collection systems using swmm

Favorite Tools
I love building new things, including models, programs, websites, and more. These are my favorite tools I keep in my quiver.


The EPA SWMM model is a very fun hydrology and hydraulics model to work with. Being open source and now community developed, SWMM is a powerful tool that is one of the more exensible models.



The power and portability of SQLite is incredibly useful for quickly whipping up a database for engineering projects. Its native integration with python makes it a first choice when developing small applications for clients that don't need to massively scale.



Git is an excellent platform for managing code on both small and large teams. I have recently started using it for managing SWMM model development as well since it is great for tracking changes to text files over time.



I love using python for data wrangling, plotting, machine learning, and just about anything else. It's concise syntax and dynamic type system makes it easy a flexible to work with.



Although python is my first choice for scientific computing right now, Julia is quickly becoming one of my favorites. Its rich type system, multiple dispatch paradigm, and super speed are all very fun to work with.



Plotly is great because it provides an excellent plotting api to several languages, allowing me to create beautiful, interactive data plots using languages that are not web native.

Check out some of my projects and presentations!



A Pandorable Interface to SWMM!

swmm-pandas is a high level python api for interacting with swmm files via pandas dataframes. The ambition of this project is to create concise interfaces for the SWMM input, report and output files with impeccable documentation.

WEF CS 2022 Presentation

WEF CS 2022 Presentation

The Value of Rainfall Statistics

Learn about the fundamentals of extreme value theory, put the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season in context, and catch a glimpse of my python implementation CDM Smith's NetSTORM software.